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14 February 2013

Atkin's Diet

Helllloooooo!! Ergh sangat sangat berlapuk dah blog ni. Disebabkan aku malas nak update. Alah lagipun takde apa yang interesting untuk di share kan. But today, i got something to share. My entry title is, ATKIN'S DIET. What's your first perception? Exactly! It's all about diet. Diet dan diet.

Disebabkan aku rasa macam makin sarat dan makin berat je badan ni, I decided to diet. I WANT MY 57KG BACK!!!

Today is 14 February. What? Valentine's Day? Yeahh nothing special about it. I just wanna tell you that today is the 11th day of my Atkin's diet. Maybe ramai yang tak tahu apa itu Atkin's diet kan?

Actually Atkin's diet adalah diet pemakanan tanpa karbohidrat dan gula. Ada induction untuk diet ni, 2 minggu. So i tell ya what! Aku tak sentuh sebutir nasi pun dah 11 hari ni. Yeahh it's really torturing me. For the first day, I admit that I felt like I almost dead! Wakaka but not for the second day and the next day. Plus my dear Ajim sangat2 support dan kami sama2 cuba diet atkins ni. I know this is worth because my sister pernah try. Tapi tempoh induction untuk diet ni, depends on your body. Untuk badan aku, maybe kena buat atkin's diet induction for about 1-2 months.

Haa look at this picture! Even aku diet atkin. But I'm free to eat chicken, meat, egg or even 2-3 slices of cheese. Cool! Tapi without flour lah. Siapa cakap tak kenyang? Haa u have to try first. Kenyang nya sama je macam makan dengan nasi. And the important law is, MAKAN MALAM SEBELUM PUKUL 9 MALAM.

She's one of the Atkiners and it really worked! Hopefully semangat aku untuk diet Atkins ni lebih kuat daripada sebelum2 ni. Actually aku saja post entry pasal aku diet sebab in case aku nak give up, aku akan fikir pasal entry ni, mesti malu gilaaaaa kan kalau dah gebang gebang post pasal diet lah apelah, last last takde hasil. Haa so this is one of the what we call it, PEMBAKAR SEMANGAT! 

So, for those yang nak try diet ni and nak tahu apa yang you all boleh makan and tak boleh makan, haa cubalah google pasal Atkin's Diet ni. Kat Facebook pun ade group untuk Atkiners tau--->

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